Page 12 - Catalogo vidum
P. 12



                                                      Villa Inés is made of grapes produced in vineyards farmed by small
                                                      proprietors using traditional methods.                                Béatrice Dumont is the perfect sparkling wine for any celebration.
                                                                                                                            Its sweet and fruity aromas are constant in the brut, semi-dry
                                                      Located in the south-east area of Spain, in lands of medium and low   and rosé wines.
                                                      fertility, they enjoy an exceptional climate which allows the grapes to
                                                      reach every year their optimal level of ripeness.                     Light  and  refreshing,  ideal  for  appetizers,  rice  dishes,  fish  and
                                                                                                                            even desserts.
                                                      Villa Inés is a semi-dry sparkling wine with 10 % vol. and it is
                                                      available in white and rosé.                                          It is available in 7 % vol. and 10,5 % vol.

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